Stop spinning your wheels doing things that leave you stuck.




You want more peace of mind, self-trust, & harmony, right? 


And you don’t want to pay a ton of $$$ on coaching, or you just don’t need that right now.


I totally get that, so I created a

totally self-paced, 6-month email course

healing your Body, Heart, Mind, & Soul


Healing the Body

Embodied activities like intuitive yoga, body scanning & mapping, grounding skills, self-holds/massage, stress reduction skills, breathwork, along with nutrition, movement, and sleep guides.

Healing the Mind

Thinking skills using DBT/CBT tools, learning growth mindset, journaling prompts, model of emotions, socratic questions, various self-assessments, goals & values clarification for healing.

Healing the Heart

Emotional processing tools/techniques, visualizations/meditations, creativity guides, mandalas, developing self-compassion, emotional clearing skills, EFT tapping, etc.

Healing the Soul

Nature & medicinal baths, chakra & energy awareness, mindfulness skills, energy clearing methods, journaling prompts, values clarification, Abhyanga self-massage, sound healing, etc.

I see you, because I’ve been there.

Maybe like me, you’re tired of self-doubt costing you everything.

Maybe you want the information, but you don’t need coaching. 

Has your self-doubt cost you, like mine cost me? Maybe you struggle with: 

  • Deep & meaningful intimate relationships because you don’t trust yourself or others

  • Setting healthy boundaries  because you’re afraid of rejection or abandonment.

  • Making decisions well, because you try to please others and get stuck in “analysis paralysis.”

  • Overwhelm, excessive worry or low mood because you are “so uncertain” or have limiting beliefs

  • Professional growth because you  lack direction and assertiveness

  • Self-worth because you’re are disconnected from your strengths and overconnected to your limits

Now you’re looking for something more…

How Kairos Coaching for Holistic Healing came to be

I’ll be honest with you

Getting to this point wasn’t easy

Where I came from… 

Growing up in an alcoholic family system, I craved safety, security, and stability. In my pursuit of happiness, at 17 years old I found myself  in a religious cult, hoping that adhering to strict roles and rules would bring me the stability I sought.

But instead, I got lost. I found myself sinking deeper into disconnection, numbness, and overwhelm. I became more doubting of my core self, and more invested in external sources of “being okay.” Despite engaging in various therapies over the years, I only experienced marginal improvement. The strain increased, rigid expectations weighed me down, and my creativity and hope diminished. It was clear that I needed to make a change, or I would be trapped in a miserable existence, a slow death. Not acceptable!

I just knew that something needed changing – but even the 30 year career as a therapist just wasn’t delivering the whole-self healing I needed. While I knew something more was out there, I was lost as to how to get it.


How I remained stuck…

Here’s the thing about self-doubt: it drives us to seek external validation and outsourcing of our worthiness but those don’t actually help us develop or connect to the real ‘us’ that’s in there – the “me” I had become so disconnected from. No amount of relying on God, a partner, religious practices, or dogmas could bridge that gap or fill that void.

The dilemma I faced was this: thinking my way out of self-dbout never brought lasting peace or wellness. It was like trying to hold a beach ball underwater—it would always find a way to resurface.

Self-doubt actually heightened my fight or flight response, making it even harder to find that sense of safety and receptivity inside.

So, I realized that BIG changes weren’t going to happen in dramatic fashion, but slowly over time making small, sustainable changes. Over about a decade, my small changes led to BIG outcomes: I divorced, went back to work full-time to support my four kids, and deconstructed my way out of the religious cult. I kept working on self-compassion, boundaries, self-care, and journaling like crazy! I remarried, kept incrementally healing, and even moved across the country for a promotion!

Life seemed great and pretty steady, or so I thought….


While my training, certifications, and clinical expertise gave me an ‘outside’ view of healing, the Pandemic brought forth additional childhood wounds for me to heal. This led me to understand a deeper, “inside view” of trauma resolution.

I learned how to use my developing self-trust to create an environment where my body and mind worked together in harmony, allowing integration and transformation to take place.

I continued trusting myself, learning how to express myself more clearly, taking care of my needs and setting limits, and built a system to support my healing.

I realized my current employment wasn’t a good fit, and being loyal to my internal self was paramount. I left a toxic work environment and found a healthier employment setting while I continued healing. Eventually, I was whole enough to start my own private practice helping others do the same. 

I promise, if I can do this…you can, too! I’ve built a system around helping women do the very things I did – What’s better than that?

So here’s what I did & what the 6-month email course will give you:


Somatic and whole-self practices


Learning intuitive yoga & self-holds to improve trust in your body


Connect with other women in healing processes


Learn holistic skills for healing the whole-self: body, mind, heart, and soul.


Create an environment where your body & mind could work together in harmony,


Slowly build "healing habits" to sustain a healing lifestyle.

So, if you’re like me and have found that thinking skills alone won’t get rid of self-doubt..

Don’t stop now, sista..Keep Reading! 

Kairos Coaching was born when I accepted

The best way to help others was sharing skills AND my personal experiences!

Here’s what you can experience: 


Safely connect to your body & listen to the feedback


Develop your own, intuitive-based sense of spirituality. This is NOT a religious process, but a self-awareness one.


Improve self-trust and trust in relationships


Set & hold boundaries and make decisions easier


Heal childhood wounds leading to self-doubt


Learn reparenting skills so you never betray or abandon yourself again


Soothe your central nervous system & reduce fight/flight


Build & improve relationships

The unexpected thing?

When I started becoming more whole,

others in my life also began healing

Welcome to…

The Kairos Access Membership

Your gateway to a world of self-paced healing  of self-doubt and transforming into self-trust.

Not everyone wants or can afford 1:1 coaching, I totally get that. That’s why I’ve created this program to provide you with incredible healing tools as well as private FB group connections.

This membership supports your personal healing journey as you find your true self, embrace authenticity, and live a life of wholeness.

What You’ll Learn On the Inside:

Healing the Body

Embodied activities like intuitive yoga, body scanning & mapping, grounding skills, self-holds/massage, self-care assessments and “bill of rights,” breathwork, tapping & bilateral skills, etc.




Integrative & holistic practices


How to improve bodymind connection


Improving trust in the body & its feedback.

Healing the Mind

DBT/CBT tools, growth mindset, journaling prompts, understanding the model & purpose of emotions, using socratic questions, self-assessments, goals & values clarification for aligned healing.




Identifying & challenging irrational thinking


Gaining self-awareness of thoughts


Improving self-trust in thinking skills & critical analysis

Healing the Heart

Emotional intelligence, processing tools/techniques, visualizations/meditations, creativity guides, mandalas, developing self-compassion, emotional clearing skills, continued work with EFT tapping, etc.




How to improve emotional processing


How to release stuck emotions


How to improve self-trust through self-compassion

Healing the Soul

Nature baths, medicinal baths, chakra & energy awareness, mindfulness skills, energy clearing, journaling prompts, values clarification, Abhyanga self-massage, sound healing, etc.




Self-trust through indfulness of energy and body connection


Awareness of common humanity & connection to others


Clearing negative energy or energy blocks


Private, FB Healing Community


Collective Healing with support from others


Ability to develop Accountability Partners


Motivation & encouragement from others healing


1:1 Sessions


Individualized Support as available


Can be aligned with the email course content


$175 $150 for Access Members


I’ve already purchased so many things

that didn’t help me….Why do I need the

Kairos Access Membership?


Why? Because my method blends both 30 years of clinical and personal experiences with healing and addresses the WHOLE self: body, mind, heart, and soul. You can pick and choose what works for you, building self-trust because no one is “looking over your shoulder” pushing the process. 

The Kairos Access Membership costs less than a couple cups of Starbucks AND, different than the Starbucks, this has the potential to change your life as you cultivate a trusting relationship with yourself and create a sustainable, healing lifestyle. 

The question you should ask isn’t “Why do I need this?” the question really is

“Are you ready to transform your healing for the cost of

only two coffees a month?”

Two other important questions for you to consider: 

1 -What is your peace of mind worth and

2 -What is the cost if you DON’T invest in this for yourself? 

Is all this worth $10/month to you:


Weekly healing content sent directly to you to transform isolated skills into a healing lifestyle.


Evidence-based tools for healing you can do in the comfort of your own home, and at your own pace.


Healing for the Body: intuitive yoga, body scanning & mapping, grounding skills, self-massage/self-holds, somatic self-care plans, breathing skills, nutrition/movement/sleep guides, etc.


Healing for the Mind: DBT/CBT basic skills, growth mindset, journaling, purpose of emotions, socratic questions, self-assessments, goals & values for healing, etc.


Healing for the Heart: emotional processing tools/techniques, visualizations/meditations, creativity guides, mandalas, developing self-compassion, emotional clearing skills, EFT tapping, etc.


Healing for the Soul: Nature baths, medicinal baths, chakra awareness, mindfulness skills, energy clearing, journaling & values clarification, Abhyanga self-massage, etc.


A private community of other women also in their healing journeys.


Support, guidance and encouragement along your transformation as you improve harmony and balance in your life.

Total Value = $4,440 (4 therapy sessions a month x 6 months)

Today’s Price = Only $10/month


Testimonials from my clients

Working with Shannan taught me so many foundational parts of my healing, it’s unlike any type of help I’ve had before. She nails my patterns and supports me making changes that feel true to me. She has both a frank style but is so encouraging and compassionate, like her energy just helps!


I didn’t realize how disconnected I was from my sensory world. It took me some time, but I’m so grateful I learned body-based tools to help me realize my body is “always trying to help me,” like Shannan teaches. Her compassion and skill is top-notch, even when it might feel uncomfortable at first.


Shannan is an amazing coach! Had I not made the choice to engage her services, I would likely still be miserable and in prolonged suffering. She made a lasting impact on my life and is a light and source of inspiration. She helped me get clear on my values and goals & compassionately taught me how to re-connect to all the different parts of me for that “whole” healing experience. I’m a better version of myself now.


I can’t say enough about what a game-changer this type of healing has been. I really didn’t understand how important “body, mind, heart, and soul” was, but WOW what a difference. I feel whole and connected and even on my tough days, I know I’m just “having a tough day, not a tough life.” I highly recommend working with her, don’t wait another day.


When Shannan & I first started working together, I’ll admit I was kinda guraded since I’d done a fair amount of healing already and was studying to be a therapist when some additional wounds showed up for healing. Her “whole self healing” mantra made such a difference for me! Like her, I’d been doing ‘talk therapy’ for a long time but the body-based stuff helped me “unlearn to relearn” and repattern connection in a profound way. BEST decision I ever made!


Knowing that Shannan’s been through the very thing she was helping me with was incredibly encouraging for me. It wasn’t someone who was “aloof” but she was always relatable. She was able to model for me because she’d been lost, self-betraying, and disconnected from herself. What a guide! I highly recommend working with her – it was truly life-changing for me. I really couldn’t afford not to and I’m proud of myself for investing in ME.


When I first met Shannan, I was a little uncertain due to how frank and straightfoward she was. It felt unsettling to me at first, and then I thought, “Well, I’ve gotta do something different…and she’s different!” What I didn’t anticipate is how compassionate and non-judgmental she can be as well. She helped me feel connected to my senses when I’d been disconnected for so long. She’s taught me amazing things I can do for myself and that feels like a freedom to me!


I’d been in therapy for a long time working to understand the concept around “self-love.” Until I worked with Shannan, most of that I did in therapy focused on my self-care actions & thoughts. Shannan’s “whole-self” approach really brought it home, inside, for me and related it to my pervasive self-doubt. I learned I had to “trust me” before I could really trust anyone else. Priceless changes for me, just wish I’d found her method sooner.


Frequently asked questions

Q: Is the coaching all virtual, or is there some in-person services? 

A: The Kairos Access Membership is a digital, self-paced email course. The content is sent directly to your inbox each week. 1:1 virtual sessions can be provided upon request for a discounted rate of $150.

Q: Do you have other providers as coaches, or do you actually provide the services? 

A: I know many provide a coaching model that trains other providers but NOT ME! If you sign up for my coaching membership, you get me, my 30-years experience and my personal healing tools.

Q: How are coaching and therapy different?

A: Essentially, it’s about where the client is at not the skills or techniques used. Therapy assumes the client’s functioning is impaired and tackles specific behavioral or emotional symptoms according to medical necessity. Coaching assumes clients are functioning at a baseline level that’s already generally effective and are seeking encouragement, inspiration or guidance to live life more fully.

Q: What about a refund?  

A: Your $10/month membership subscription should over-deliver on the content and tools you need and you are free to cancel your membership at any time. Weekly emails will not be sent from the effective date of cancellation and all the previous information/content is yours to continue using!

Q: What if I just want individual coaching sessions with you? 

A: I have a separate option if you only want 1:1 coaching sessions. If you would like occasional 1:1 sessions to coincide with your email course, those are based on availability and offered at a reduced rate of $150 (orig. $175). 

Q: If I have friends who want to participate, is it okay for them to join as well?

A: This is one area where coaching provides more flexbility than traditional therapy. If you and a friend want to join and do the email course – the more the merrier! It can help build your healthy support system and benefit you both. 

Copyright © 2022 SBMFT Services, PLLC DBA Kairos Coaching. All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms & Conditions

Kairos Coaching for Holisitic Healing

4057 Riley Fuzzel Rd, Ste. 500215, Spring, TX 77386


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